Join The Team!

We know that these are challenging times for everyone. We deeply appreciate any and all help we receive! We have several different ways you can show your support and help us on our journey down the trail so that you can chose the one that works best for you! Thank you!

Persistence Merch

We believe that everyone in this sport should strive to be stewards of the land we mush in. Climate change is affecting our training, racing, and overall way of life. Because of this, we have partnered with Printful, a company that is continuously working to reduce their foot print while still providing you the quality products you deserve.

Make a Donation

Donate directly to the adventure! Each donation level has an example of what we can fund with that amount. It is by no means an exhaustive list but I hope it will give you an idea of where your money is going. We are extremely grateful for whatever you can give! Every little bit helps!

Donate Now

If you are a business owner who would be interested in having your business be a sponsor, please contact me directly at so we can discuss options!

Send us Trail Mail!

Check out our Amazon Wishlist to directly send us some of the supplies we consume consistently throughout the season! These are supplies we use on almost every training run and go in every check point drop bag. We’ll never be less than thrilled to receive anything on the list in any quantity, any number of times!

I can’t do what I do without Will and ATAO team. The above options will help me with my personal goals but the kennel as a whole has big goals too! Will is my mentor and also my friend and I want him to be able to reach his goals as well! Show them some love and be a part of our collective crew by checking out their options for support as well!

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